Monaco Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of Monaco is 39,000, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 39,000
Population growth rate 0.37%
Birth rate 6.60 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall 89.63 years
Men 85.70 years
Women 93.71 years
Age structure
0-14 years 10.27%
15-64 years 56.58%
65 years and above 33.15%
Median age 51.70 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 0.95
Population density 19,500.00 residents per km²
Urbanization 100.00%
28% French, 22% Monegasque, 19% Italian and others
Catholics (Roman Catholic) 90%

People in Monaco

The residents of Monaco are the Monegasque. Almost 39,000 people now live there. However, not all of them are of Monegasque origin. 47 out of 100 are French, 17 out of 100 Italians and three out of 100 German. Only 15 out of 100 are really Monegasque. Thus only a small part of the residents really have the Monegasque citizenship, which is very popular.

Monaco residents do not pay taxes!

Why this? If you are in Monegasse, you don’t have to pay taxes. Half of the people of Monaco, i.e. the people who actually have citizenship, are millionaires. On the other hand, life in Monaco is very expensive, especially the apartments and houses cost a lot of money that few can actually afford.

The population in Monaco is increasing, which is due to the increased influx of people and less due to the increase in births.

Languages in Monaco

There are also many French and some Italians who cross the border every day to work in Monaco, even if they don’t live there. The language spoken there is mainly French. Not all residents speak Monegasque, a Romance dialect. The language is taught in schools.

Religions in Monaco

Most people are Catholics, 90 out of 100 say the statistics.

Monaco Overview

Located on the French Riviera in Western Europe, Monaco is renowned for its glamour, luxury, and opulent lifestyle. Its capital city, Monte Carlo, is synonymous with high-end casinos, luxury yachts, and prestigious events like the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix. Despite being one of the smallest countries in the world, Monaco boasts a rich cultural scene, including world-class museums, elegant gardens, and historic landmarks such as the Prince’s Palace. The principality’s picturesque harbor, lined with upscale boutiques and gourmet restaurants, attracts affluent travelers and celebrities, earning Monaco its reputation as a playground for the rich and famous.

  • Capital City: Monte Carlo
  • Population: Approximately 39,000
  • Area: 2.02 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: Principality of Monaco
  • Currency: Euro (EUR)
  • Language: French
  • ISO Country Codes: MC, MCO

Bordering Countries of Monaco

Monaco is a small, independent city-state located in the French Riviera. It is bordered by France to the north, east, and west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. Monaco has a total area of just over 200 hectares (2 km²) making it one of the smallest countries in the world.

To the north of Monaco lies France, one of Europe’s most vibrant countries with its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage and buzzing cities. Here visitors can explore cities such as Paris or take part in exciting outdoor activities such as skiing or sailing.

To the east of Monaco lies Italy’s Liguria region, another vibrant country with its beautiful coastline and stunning architecture. Here visitors can explore cities such as Genoa or take part in thrilling outdoor activities such as hiking or rock climbing.

To the west of Monaco lies Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur (PACA), another region of France known for its stunning countryside and delicious cuisine. Here visitors can explore bustling cities such as Marseille or take part in exciting outdoor activities such as cycling or kayaking.

Finally, to the south lies Mediterranean Sea offering something special for travelers looking to experience this part of Europe further than just land-based activities. From picturesque beaches that line Monaco’s coastline or crystal clear waters that are perfect for swimming – there are plenty opportunities for exploration here. Whether it’s scuba diving around hidden coves or sailing along stretches of unspoiled coastline – there are plenty of ways to experience this part of Europe.

Monaco borders four countries that offer something special for travelers looking to explore this part of Europe further than just Monaco itself. From France’s buzzing cities or Italy’s beautiful coastlines – there are plenty opportunities for exploration in these bordering countries. Whether it’s PACA’s stunning countryside or Mediterranean Sea’s picturesque beaches – there are plenty of ways to experience this part of Europe.

